Yoga for Body Mind Soul

Classes available by appointment

1:1 or group setting; workshops; satsang; kirtan; book reading

Lessons encompass the science of Yoga looking at the individual as a whole and are tailored to the needs of the practitioner.

View below for more details:




Psychic Development

Yoga Food Concepts: -

Learn the eating habits of the Yogis to gain the most nutrition, live healthier & longer and spend less money!

  • Understand how your eating habits are a big influence on your overall physical, mental, and emotional well-being
  • Gain the knowledge of the yogis on what to eat, how to eat, and when to eat to live longer and healthier lives
  • How the effects of wrong food (physical & mental) create toxins and pollution in our entire being
  • Learn the process of digestion and assimilation (If you don’t digest your food, your food will digest you!)
  • Practice invaluable breathing exercises (pranayama) to gain more energy, vitality, and decrease excessive appetite.