Yoga for Body Mind Soul


All experiences have their place

Within this role of human race

How can we learn to see the truth

If lies are fed since time of youth

We do not learn the proper way

To keep our soul from darkest days

Controlling minds so we can't see

Turning them away from Thee

Humanity must want to learn

Efforts made results are earned

We have been warned

We have been told

A story that is very old

Creation is the master here

All the strings that Nature steers

If we don't learn the Laws of higher

Life on earth will turn much dire

There are forces grand and strong

Helping humans carry on

Unless we find the moral key

Extinction is the destiny

Degradation is at hand

Time to wake and take a stand

Finding truth, the place to Be

With full responsibility

For Love of all humanity

We come from Light, eternally