Yoga for Body Mind Soul

Who is Jesus
Who is Jesus

Who is Jesus, some may say

Stop, inquire, or walk away

Some say Yeshua, others Allah

Buddha or Krish(a)na

Every name has its place

In the realm of time and space

Manifest for Love of He

Guiding Light Eternally

History incomplete as told

Jesus shared the truth untold

Come in peace, or wrath of fire?

Revolutionary martyr?

Some believe, seek and find

Then belief is left behind

Experience no turning back

Courage staying right on track

What was forgotten, now restored

Turned the key, opened the door

To His Love, He shows is real

No matter what the world will steal

Who is God

Some may wonder

Sun fire rain and thunder

All Creation, that is He

Accompanied by Mother, She

Material immaterial state

Manifest in humans fate