Yoga for Body Mind Soul

Skies of trails
Skies of trails

Would be nice to stare blankly

Into the clear blue sky

Without seeing jets flying by

Spewing white trails into the air

Claiming it is for climate care

This it is not, so plain to see 

Detrimental insanity 

They even go so far as to change their movies,

and tv-shows of late

Altering memory and humanity's fate

From Bob Ross clouds

To skies full of streaks

Blocking the sun, intentionally

Nature knows best, provides the tools

Those planes in flight are breaking the rules

Criss crossin above

Space invaders in flight

Every single day and night

Militant soldiers that do not care

They'll take our lives on a petty dare

No family they have, and nothing to spare

It seems they will not end their game

To force us into their trap

All God loving people on this earth

It's time to peacefully push back 

Can we make them stop

Remains to be seen

Up to all humanity

To want to find a remedy

Life with Nature is the key

Truly the way it ought to be