Yoga for Body Mind Soul

Nevertheless she persisted
Nevertheless she persisted

Recently had an interesting exchange with a cashier at whole foods. Not a fan of that market so effort is made to go max 2x year to purchase only one product that happens to be good. Also not one for tmi but this has its place as it relates to what's going on in the world. The product is for women during their menstrual cycle. At the register the cashier commented, 'Oh, i do the same thing when i shop for that. It can be so awkward', referencing the brown paper bag meanwhile i usually have a bag and only had a paper one at the time. There was no awkward feeling about what was being purchased and told her i understand how it can be awkward but at the same time this is a basic necessity that women should never feel embarrassed about. Shared with her one exception from an experience in India that was different and funny and we laughed. Some other things were said, and what was made clear is that the root of that brief exchange is the fact that the concept of man and woman is under serious attack and being dismantled by forces that want to destroy Nature and humanity. Yes, it went that deep that fast while discussing the purchase of feminine products.

A woman's cycle is a healthy natural function of the female body that has been turned into something taboo, and even more interesting, word around the street is that it's no longer only for women? One thought on that is--Why would a man even want to have a period? Another is--no matter how hard he tries, he can't. His anatomy will simply never naturally allow it no matter how he chooses to identify(which in reality is an illusion of choice that makes the end results more painful). This goes for either gender, and it is basic biology, one of the many things that people are forgetting due to said forces pushing their numerous narratives and propaganda for evil purposes. Those that are pulling the strings are intentionally dividing men and women, races and creeds, creating all the ism-s and causes and circus galore. They have control over everything including all media and 'education'. They regularly stage coups on an array of topics and hire people to act (whether crazy or sane) and protest fake causes pushing fake bills and laws using all tools necessary to influence the minds of the masses. People younger or older start to 'believe' and think they're doing good for their neighbor and environment and getting smarter by being active and supportive and connected, when what's really happening is they're being lured into a deeper web becoming more blind and controlled and generating more money for the string pullers. Many of the cause pushers come across as rational and for the people, as caring and sharing, and immediately talk about something so called spiritual or healing and have faith in some form or another. They talk about peace love and democracy at a level of nausea throwing out words for the greater good while never living a moment in any and void of any root in God. They might say the word God but discernment is key. Superficially they might act in some kind of defiance of authority, or even better they promote narcissism by brainwashing the minds to accept everything as it is and just focus on the positive. Many tactics they know to pull in more vulnerables who think they want change and are maybe questioning authority(finally) yet still very far from seeing what's really going on. They wind up following the herd and are used to push agendas, which will ultimately destroy them.

There's much more on that but back to the topic of man and woman, in the process of destroying nature what is also being destroyed is family because it brings stability and values into a child's life. The children are being abused and misused at levels unthinkable, both from within their so called family and without, and the deep programming and psychological distortion is almost at a point of no return. They're in serious danger with great potential to destroy themselves and the possibility of never knowing what is a man and a woman, or father and mother. 

The cashier was kind and personable, and in a short time we exchanged something meaningful, which reinforced the reality that...

It is not ok

what is happening today

in the name of woman and man,

and their struggle

to survive on this land

Not just anyone

can be woman or man

That's for God to decide

(which has no gender)

According to His plan

Once humanity gets on board

then it just might survive

The vicious attackers

coming from all sides

Who would like to see

Nature destroyed

Until they learn

She is not their toy 🙏🏽