Yoga for Body Mind Soul


Lies are a sin of deceit

They'll sweep you from under your feet

Landing on hard concrete

Nowhere for you to retreat

Lies don't appear out of the sky

Creation of the mind as it flies

Attempting to continue to hide

Instead of seeking inside

Lies can be mix of good and bad

Sometimes for others to feel glad

Keeping the peace instead of being sad

Yes honey, you look so good in plaid

Then sometimes, they're not so good

Disregarding ones pain as if they could

Stories being told as they would

Saying things other than what they should

Lies...a tricky situation

For those in the midst of temptation

Taking drugs for teleportation

To a place of their own manifestation

Disease of the soul is real

Losing the ability to feel

Pretending with what ain't real

The gift of life they steal

Which is why,

God is the only solution

For ones redemption and resolution

Fear and confusion there will be 

It is Faith that will set you free ðŸ§¡âœ¨